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The 52-acre reforestation project in the Central region of Sri Lanka

Updated: Apr 9, 2023

The island nation of Sri Lanka is known for its lush tropical forests and diverse array of plant and animal life. However, in recent years, these forests have been threatened by deforestation and other human activities. One solution to conserve and restore these forests is to implement a reforestation project using native tree species.

One example of such a project is the 52-acre reforestation project in the Central region of Sri Lanka. The project aimed to restore the natural forest cover in the area, which had been severely degraded due to logging and other human activities.

The project began by conducting a comprehensive survey of the area to identify the native tree species that were best suited to the local soil and climate conditions. These species were then propagated and grown in a nursery owned by SavePlanetEarth, before being planted in the degraded area.

The planting of trees was done in a strategic way to promote biodiversity. The project team planted a variety of native tree species, including species that are known to be important for wildlife habitat, such as the Ironwood tree (Mesua ferrea/Nagessarium), which provides food and shelter for many species of birds and mammals.

In addition, the project also involved the local community in the planting and maintenance of the trees. This not only helped to build support for the project but also provided local people with an opportunity to learn about the importance of the forest and their role in its conservation. As the trees grew, the project also helped to bring back the lost biodiversity and also helped to improve the water cycle. The increased tree cover also helped to protect the area from soil erosion and landslides.

The restoration of the forest also attracted eco-tourists, as the area was now home to a diverse array of plant and animal life. This helped to boost the local economy and provided an additional source of income for the local community. Overall, the reforestation project has been successful in restoring the natural forest cover in the area and promoting biodiversity. It has also helped to improve the livelihoods of the local community and promote sustainable economic development through eco-tourism.

SPE have further 50 Acre planting sites around the world for such developments with a payback period of 4 years.

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